rigorous continental climate of Siberia and the north half of the Far
East is the reason for permafrost formation. These territories occupy
an area greater than 10 million square kilometers (km2). In
the European part of Russia, permafrost occurs only in the tundra and
the forest-tundra zone. Its southern boundary goes from the Kola Peninsula
to the mouth of the Mezen River and further on almost along the Arctic
Circle to the Urals. In West Siberia, the permafrost border runs along
the Enisei River near the River Podkamennaya Tunguska, where it sharply
turns to the south and goes along the right bank of the Enisei River.
To the east of the Enisei, the permafrost is spread almost everywhere,
except for south Kamchatka, Sakhalin Island, and Primorjie.
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