Advanced Systems Analysis




At the core of IIASA’s research is advanced systems analysis, which uses mathematical models and analytical techniques to investigate complex systems with a focus on an integrated, interdisciplinary approach. The institute has long been involved in developing new, more sophisticated methodologies for systems analysis so that better solutions to global problems can be found.

IIASA is developing new advanced models and methods by merging the work that has been done by the Dynamic Systems Program and the Integrated Modeling Environment Program. The new research program focuses on three themes:

  • advances in assessment of dynamical system;
  • systemic risks and robust solutions; and
  • integrated modeling and decision support.

© Aprescindere | Dreamstime.comThe institute is also encouraging exploration and discussion among IIASA’s methodological researchers and selected external experts in order to present promising new work through an ongoing Advanced Systems Analysis Forum. Through both methodological projects and applied systems analysis demonstration projects, the forum works to advance the state of the art in systems analysis.

As all of IIASA’s research is crosscutting, the Advanced Systems Analysis program draws on expertise from across the institution when appropriate.

YSSP applicants are encouraged to contact the program representative, Brian Fath ( for any scientific related questions.

Responsible for this page: Communications
Last updated: 15 Apr 2011

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